
Most of the work creating and sustaining this charity is done by willing volunteers. We welcome people who are able to give an hour or two each week to assist in any way and we’d love to hear from you.

How you can help

If you have experience teaching or supporting learners you might want to help a tutor deliver a class, prepare resources, clear up afterwards…

Maybe you’re an expert at identifying funding sources, sponsorship or writing grant applications…

Can you write or design marketing and outreach materials?

Are you great at publicity, social media, promotion or storytelling?

Are policies and procedures your strength. As we grow and develop we have a range of policies that need monitoring, adapting, updating…

Or maybe you can offer professional advice, auditing, accounting, legal advice if needed.

Fundraising – the lifeblood of any small charity. Can you inspire people to have lots of fun while also raising money for our charity?

Which class are you interested in?

Which day of the week are you interested in?

7 + 8 =


Registered Charity Number 1187019

© CABS Cardiff 2024  |   Website by The Good Alliance