Activity Clubs

Who it’s for

Especially during holiday periods we like to have a different focus for our sessions and games are definitely great for play. Our adults with learning disabilities love our “Get up and Go” clubs which are fun for all.

What’s involved

They encourage more physical activity developing flexibility, coordination and fine motor skills through throwing balls, catching bean bags or playing with hula hoops. We also have “treasure hunts” and music quizzes!


We develop social skills by learning to negotiate sides or teams, by taking turns or recording scores. The simple scoring also allows opportunity to develop number recognition, adding, subtraction or writing as is appropriate for each participant.

Times and locations

During August/early September 2024

The Activity Clubs look like this. 


THURSDAYS 1.00 – 2.50PM

Roath Park in Cardiff

Please contact Fran Pears

for full details before attending.


FRIDAYS 10.00 – 11.50AM

Victoria Park in Cardiff

Please contact Fran Pears

for full details before attending.

Sign up for a class today

Know someone who could benefit from joining of our classes?  Get in touch to arrange a chat with one of our tutors. 


Registered Charity Number 1187019

© CABS Cardiff 2024  |   Website by The Good Alliance